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“Innovative Approaches for Advancing Education Research in Africa”

About Education Research Forum

According to UNESCO, half of the children in Sub-Saharan Africa have not enrolled in school as more than 85 percent of children in this region are not learning at the minimum proficiency standards. More so, they sadly emphasized that “despite years of steady growth in enrolment rates, the education situation in sub-Saharan Africa continues to threaten the future of entire generations''. Compounding the prevalent situation, the Covid pandemic hit deep into global educational development as nearly 2 billion children and youth were out of school as at April 2020. It therefore suffices to say that the African education system is plagued with a myriad of problems.

It has been argued that in order to proffer the right solutions to the problems facing education systems in Africa, research plays a vital role. Without an extensive and reliable education research base, it will be impracticable to implement solutions, measure impacts, and evaluate outcomes of projects and programmes within Africa's education system. Education research is sacrosanct to the overall development of the continent as it offers a systematic approach to problem-solving, knowledge-advancing, insight-gathering, resource-monitoring, and programme-evaluation.

Our goal with the Education Research Forum is to build a community of expert researchers who are passionate about solving the problems facing educational development across the continent. By providing a platform for scholars, researchers, lecturers, and other stakeholders to have access to quality information on current realities, best practices, and funding strategies for research and development, we are furthering the conversation around revamping our education systems. As an intellectual hub for learning and sharing, we are facilitating collaboration amongst key stakeholders and empowering education researchers in Africa to lead social change and global transformation.



The Education Research Forum is designed to bring together Africa’s brightest researchers to brainstorm and deliberate on sustainable research solutions for Africa’s most important sector. The forum seeks to inspire a new generation of Africans who are committed to creating adequate, evidence based, and solution oriented research for the development of education across Africa and the society in general.

The Education Research Forum will focus on:

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Participants are invited from all walks of life, centrally those interested in education research and educational development. Priority will be given to current students and graduates from the field of education, educators, and emerging researchers.

Programme Schedule 

The Education Research Forum is scheduled to hold as follows:

Date: Wednesday, 7th September 2022

Time: 10:00am – 13:00

Venue: American Corner,42 Vibranium Valley Local Airport Road, Lagos, Nigeria.

Theme: Innovative Approaches for Advancing Education Research in Africa 

About EdvantEdge Africa

Edvant Edge Ltd. is an institutional advancement firm that focuses on providing a unique platform for advancement professionals of higher education institutions and international development organizations to learn, share, and grow. Through our core focus in training, research, and development, we help educational institutions across Africa to build capacity and networks towards the achievement of their goals. At Edvant Edge, we provide a unique platform for fundraisers, marketers, researchers, partnership officers, alumni relation officers and international relations officers to get trained by thought leaders and experts within the industry.

We also provide bespoke consultancy services for institutions while at the same time offering relevant online and offline training to staff and students. Our student-focused services, including the skills accelerator programme, careers and educational fairs, as well as the annual students’ summit and awards, provides an opportunity for us to continually support students across Africa to grow in capacity, relevance, and recognition. Our programmes adequately prepare them for the future of work, provide a platform for visibility, and create a web for professional networking for them while linking them with potential employers and institutions of advanced learning.

Meet the Speakers

Our bench of speakers includes well-established and successful Individuals who are known to be great impact in the education industry for years. Join the seminar and take a step closer to being an expert. 

Louis Adekola

International Education Consultant

Rhoda Odigboh

Global Education Practitioner
Head of Africa Programmes, Kizazi

Babajide Milton Macaulay

Academic and Educational Consultant
Co-founder, Wadi Africa

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